Covid Is Coming Back For The Winter
Oct 02, 2022
Covid is evolving...
Covid is evolving toward becoming a relatively harmless viral infection much like the common cold - also a coronavirus. Until this evolution is more complete, however, Covid infection can still be a potentially very serious and even life-threatening.
Covid Infections are increasing now at a surprising rate nationally in the US. Should we go back to the same restrictions from the last few years? I argue no.
Omicron is still the most common Covid variant. It is more contagious, but less virulent, than previous strains. Omicron has a knack for bypassing immunity from past infection and vaccination, though natural and vaccine derived immunity are generally effective prevention from serious illness or hospitalization.
Current infection fatality rate for Omicron is markedly less than previous Covid variants by approximately 80%.
Why the return?
Covid infections are more common currently in part due to the fall season and in part from lower antibody levels over time post-infection and post-vaccine. It is normal for antibodies to decrease with time and this does not translate to a deficiency of long-term immunity, unless immune-compromised; it is a normal phenomenon. Antibody levels translate to some protection from contracting infection; long term (T cell mediated immunity) translates to protection from serious infection, hospitalization, and death.
Prolonged high antibody levels and Long Covid
High antibody levels over a long period of time after vaccination or infection is actually abnormal, increases systemic inflammation, and can adversely effect the lungs, kidneys, cardiovascular system, nervous system, and immune system, even leading to autoimmunity.
Abnormally high antibody levels are common finding in people with the Long Covid pattern that can develop from Covid infection or vaccination.
Who is at risk? How to take precations?
Those that are at high risk from infection are those who have compromised immune system, multiple chronic diseases and/or are elderly. Those in this group are wise to take extra precautions - mask when in close proximity to others, consider personal space, and be extra careful about washing hands regularly and completely before contacting eyes, nose, or mouth. Gargling and nasal lavage also lowers risk for infection. Consider boosters.
Overweight, selfcare, and Covid
At a conference earlier this year, an MD prominent in the functional medicine world asked me why infection mortality rates for Covid infections were so poor in the US when compared to other industrialized nations…after a pregnant pause, I said, “Because most of us are overweight!"
Overweight and obesity lead to high inflammation throughout the body and especially of the cardiovascular system. Being at an optimal weight through sound selfcare - eating a Mediterranean pattern diet of whole foods, getting adequate sleep and exercise, lowering stress - these all lead to more optimal weight, lower inflammation, and better immunity.
How to learn more and better protect yourself
Earlier this year, an extensively referenced paper written by Dr. Force, “Reasoning SARS-CoV-2”, was published in a peer-reviewed journal, the Asia Pacific Chiropractic Journal. It covers all things Covid, including natural and vaccine immunity, and selfcare for preventing infection, complication from infection or vaccination, and healing from Long Covid and is extensively referenced. The focus of this article was to sort the core of research from the hype (from both sides of the issue) and give balanced and reliable information.
Get the Covid Protocols Report! It has specific directions for preventing infection, how to prevent vaccine reactions and what to do if you suffer from vaccine reaction, what to do should you get a Covid infection, recovery, and how to overcome Long Covid. Get it here.
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